Sunday, January 18, 2009

Text Radio's A Series Of Chronological Events I

6:50- Curious undertaking tonight. On the advice of my "better" judgement and a joint of INCREDIBLE pot (the best I've had in a calendar year), I have decided to embark from this empty apartment tonight in search for the ever-elusive lay. My buddy UFC Charlie has been invited to go along- the jury's still out on that one.

I'm really not a man of standards tonight. Anything will do, as long as it's a human female and not a gnarly one.

Getting back to writing after a good length of time separated from the craft, it comes with a sense of devoted purpose.

7:01- UFC Charlie'll be here before 8:00. Time to shower and plan out game.

Should be interesting, to say the least. We're tryin' out Hi-5. Onward!

Last thing said to UFC Charlie: huzzah! huzzahs are in order!
Last thing said by UFC Charlie: and some nOOb pWnagE

Monday update: 12:27 pm- Don't remember much of last night, but no ladies. One of those facts might inform the other.

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