Sunday, June 7, 2009
Perpetual Frustration of Writer and Lover
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Subconscious Thoughts
Monday, April 20, 2009
Stand-Up Sneak Peek
Here's a rough cut of this Wednesday's stand-up script. There's no guide for delivery or inflection, but you'll have to attend a performance for those. Hope you like it. Related jokes in different colors.
People may be shocked when they hear what I say, not so much what I say but how I say it. I use language in ways that would terrify a normal citizen’s grandmother. But not to worry, you’re in no danger! I’ve been convicted of no crime!
However, don’t corner me, or I’ll lash out at you like a snake. Like a badger. Like an angry and startled snake lunging at an ambitious badger with an unsavory past. Who will win, the audience asks, hands frostbitten in suspense? Nature.
Now you tell me that what I just said, and how I just said it would not genuinely scare an elderly woman. You didn’t enjoy that, did you ma’am? I didn’t either, to be honest. All this terrifies me like you wouldn’t believe. I’m likely to cry any moment now.
I don’t know why I’m up here. I barely know THAT I’m up here. It’s over very fast and I have no memory of the episode, like that one little time when everyone was hopeful about Obama. It was “quaint”. Even conservatives were sitting around fireplaces, leisurely puffing on a glass of brandy, eating stacks of twenties and hundreds, going, “Well, I, for one, am proud to be an American in an age when we’ve elected our first black president. Go get ‘em, homie.” But the economy doesn’t care who’s president. It’s not even registered to vote.
Hi, I’m Tyler. What’s your name? We’ll talk after the show, I can’t hear a damn thing up here. You can buy me a drink. What’s that, three drinks? I’m flat broke.
Some people do comedy to get girls, which is sad not in the noble pursuit of beautiful ladies, but sad that doing comedy to get girls is a flawed premise to begin with. Girls don’t want funny. What they do want is kinda like funny, ‘cept it starts with an M. It’s like playing guitar. Young men in the audience, never pick up playing guitar to get girls. Doesn’t work. Pipe dreams. It only brings calloused fingertips and hearts.
Yet another comment that would anger and confuse anyone over the age of sixty-five. And if you talk to me after the show, I might can say a few more.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sike, I Had 13 Total Posts And I'm Superstitious
Second Page Google Image For "Cosmic"
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Zevon Half-List Of The Now (Now With More Pontification, Also, Alliteration [An Appalling Amount] And Too Many Damn Parentheses)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Spring Break Travelwords, Pt. 1
WRITER’S FUCKIN ‘ NOTE - I’m going to have to write on the computer since I don’t know with certainty that, when reading back over hand-written entries, I would be able to decipher my own deranged handwriting. Plus, this is faster, and can be transferred to blog form.
3/4/09 5:54 pm Wednesday
I’ve been spoiled. Smoking premium weed for so long (including the rampant baking Fat Man and I engaged in this weekend) has raised a Great Wall of Tolerance that guards against advancing Bongolian forces. Shit weed no longer does much for me. I just smoked out my car roughly thirty minutes ago, and now I’m not feeling it much at all.
7:07- Just smoked another Jeep joint and devoured Eric The Half-a-Burrito. /EPIC
Christ! No internet! I can’t mindlessly scour all the humor sites I frequent. How will I know what to laugh at now?
Florida… hopefully my future is pointing to the sandy shores of Tampa, and the University of Tampa, AND a Creative Writing degree. I’ve got to decide on the fifteenth (or so) which classes I’m taking this summer and next semester.
POINTER: Talk to one of the advisors, either yours or one for CHASS, and find out how you could get departmental approval to take deep ENG(lish) classes this summer and next semester. Let’s look at some of your options, shall we?
No, we shan’t. Not concretely, at least. No course catalog website access. I can, however, rattle off a few from memory. REGURGITATE!
POETRY (applied, studies in)
Haiku Break!
Don’t be a fucktard.
I wonder if anyone has ever bought a house with traveler’s checks.
No, I really don’t. But I kinda do.
Been watching Monty Python lately… that one human who said they were the Beatles of comedy was on point. If they have any influences, it doesn’t show. Writing and performing like they did is my comedy dream. I’ve a long way to go, though.
8:00 PM EXUNT.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Next Wednesday In Raleigh
I've decided to perform a few minutes of stand-up at Charlie Goodnight's, one of the biggest comedy clubs in the southeast. So, I'm saving my funny for that. Sorry, but I can't spare one sweet, sticky drop.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wake And Bake In Raleigh
12:39: Just woke. Check to see if any roomies are here before lighting up last night's half-joint.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Fuck You.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Crowes List Of The Now
1. Wiser Time (including intro), Amorica.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Right Now In Raleigh
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Text Radio's A Series Of Chronological Events I
6:50- Curious undertaking tonight. On the advice of my "better" judgement and a joint of INCREDIBLE pot (the best I've had in a calendar year), I have decided to embark from this empty apartment tonight in search for the ever-elusive lay. My buddy UFC Charlie has been invited to go along- the jury's still out on that one.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Right Now In Raleigh
Please, allow me to introduce myself. I'm running a blog here with no real thread to tie it together, other than the fact that I will author all of the posts.
The last two entries were from a text-file journal that I wrote in the past week. This post, as can be noted in the title, is being written live, not copied and pasted. I hope that clears that up. Let us never speak of it again.
Hey! It's 4:20. Bowl rip, motherfucker.
That's some very good pot. Wish I could show you pictures. Hell, wish I could smoke with you.
That kind of explains why this blog exists.
I'm a huge fan of music. I work in the music industry, though I won't tell you where. I will be writing about music, stoned, with great frequency on this blog. Look for that.
I'm in college. That has it's moments. I'll let you know how that turns out.
I drink, constantly. I will offer up beer reviews from time to time. Liquor, too. Wine, unlikely.
Song lyrics that I scribble down in fifteen minutes during class and transcribe here? You can't prove it won't happen.
Movie reviews? I just saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button the other evening, and it was phenomenally mediocre. A grand bore. So, yeah, look for movies.
Last Sunday In Raleigh
Drug dealers are the single least punctual people in the world. It doesn’t surprise me- the nature of their work makes a mockery of timeliness. The product they’re selling (weed, in my case) makes the user lazy, forgetful, and fascinated by interesting-looking lights, and I’ve never met a dealer that didn’t smoke. I’ve waited hours past an agreed-upon callback time only for one of my guys to say they wouldn’t be able to meet up that day.
I always envision one of my dealers sprawled out stoned in a recliner, glancing precariously back and forth between a ringing cell phone and a Jeffersons marathon, unable to decide which takes priority over his next half-hour. Today, one of my buddy’s dealers is apparently moving, not off his ass, but on up to the east side.
The problem with buying from new guys is that you seldom know what the hell you’re gonna get. A buddy of mine once hooked me up with his dealer when I was jonesing real bad for some bud, and I paid eighty bucks for a very small amount of low-end high-grade marijuana. It took me a while to realize that the mid-grade gets me just as high, sometimes higher, than the orange-haired, white crystalline, lime green pot. Don’t get me wrong; I like smoking very good weed every once in a while. It makes me feel fancy. But I can’t sustain a pot habit at those prices for very long.
I’ll write more once I’m stoned. So, hopefully soon.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Last Saturday In Raleigh
You want to know what pathetic looks like?
I’m sitting here, the proud and recent recipient of two six-packs of pathetic beer. The first pathetic beer is a “strawberry blonde” lager that tastes like, you guessed it, strawberries. This beer is only pathetic by transitive property; it is pathetic because I am the one drinking it. I am a man; I should not be swilling strawberry-themed beer. If I was a career manager at Whole Foods, or if I were a female backup singer for James Taylor, strawberry lagers might well fit into my life picture. However, I have a pair of testicles, and they directly clash with the beer’s light fruit notes, crisp and refreshing though they may be.
The fruit notes, not my testicles. You know what, either one.
The second pathetic beer is a well-known microbrew’s winter seasonal ale, with big red and green “2008” adornments slapped all around the 6-pack handled open-top box thing.
This beer is pathetic because, at the time of writing, it’s January 10, 2009.
The Black Crowes have been through so many lineup changes that Wikipedia has a color-coded chronological chart of the band’s membership since their inception in the very early Nineties. Fans generally agree that one of two things end up causing members to take flight: drugs, or Rich.
The drugs explain themselves. Either one of the guys gets too fucked up and winds up fired, or one of the guys quits the band for fear of a relapse back into behavior they’ve worked long and hard to snuff out.
Rich Robinson and his brother Chris formed The Crowes from the members of an earlier band, “Mr. Crowe’s Garden” and have remained the only two members never to leave the band for any amount of time save the five-year hiatus where the band split up to pursue solo and outside projects. Rich, who writes the musical arrangements for The Crowes, is reportedly difficult to get along with, and one can imagine how that could be problematic. The ego complications of individual musicians are well documented and can be researched at any major library for those so interested.